2011 年 1 月的第一个 blog 。今天,我终于有时间上来写一些东西了。时间真的过得好快,一月就已经过了八天了,今天已经是一月九号了。也许是工作的日子没有什么特别,早上八点半准时去做工,傍晚五点半准时就放工,嘀嗒嘀嗒......一天九个小时,所以日子就这样一天一天地溜走了。
新的一年,我为自己许下了承诺、订下了新目标、许了些愿望。第一:顺利的话,2011 年也许是我求学生涯的最后一年,不能再让自己没有心读书了,所以我一定要为自己、为家人,一定要努力地冲冲冲,专心、用心、有恒心、有决心,顺利地完成我的 degree 。加油,加油,加加油,一定不能漏气 !!!第二:希望家人都能够健健康康,平平安安,顺顺利利,大家都过得和和气气,融融洽洽,开开心心。第三:存够钱,让自己明年能够去美国 work and travel 。第四:希望我的朋友们能够开开心心,顺顺利利。单身的姐妹和朋友可以找到自己的另一半;有伴的姐妹和朋友可以幸幸福福。第五:感情路上一直空白的我,也希望自己能够有段好的缘分啦 ~~
最后,祝福自己,祝福家人,祝福朋友,也祝福大家...... 希望大家都能够有个快快乐乐的 2011 ~~ 期望新年快快来噢!!!喔呼!!!
sis..i wish u can find someone like greg focker's attitude and tron's figure...all the best to u.
ReplyDeletehope u can go study and travel at US next yr,haha,find a guai lo there...
cny is coming two more weeks later.......
lets boom together during cny.
haha.. okok.. no problem,sis.. i will do my best to find HIM.. surely i will book the air tickets for u guys i to attend my wedding if i do really marry with HIM.. haha.. yup.. another 2 weeks.. i'm looking forward that can enjoy ourselves then.. after cny, i only left another 2 weeks more for working.. hai.. such a pity that cant boom the office together after that.. haha.. by the way, wish us all the best.. everything is going to be perfect in 2011.. yeah~~!! ^^